Book Recommendation: Learning from Lord Mackay

Learning from Lord Mackay: Life and Work in Two Kingdoms

Cameron Fraser, a pastor and writer from Lethbridge, Alberta, has written a book about Lord James Mackay of Scotland. For our congregation, there is a special connection with Lord Mackay as he is a member of one of our sister congregations in the Associated Presbyterian Churches. 

The book is available on and the foreword was written by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson. 

Still need convincing to pick up your copy? Then read a little overview for yourself: 

James Mackay served as Lord Advocate of Scotland (1979-84) and Lord Chancellor of Great Britain (1987-97). He is, in the words of a past President of the Law Society of Scotland, “not only an outstanding man in his profession, but one of the most brilliant Scottish scholars of all time.” He is also a humble Christian who has served his Lord in church and state. This book seeks to introduce him to a wider Christian audience, while pointing out lessons that may be learned by others in political office and seeking to locate him in terms of the contemporary (largely American) “two kingdoms” controversy. “There is no Scotsman, indeed no British person in public life whom I admire more.”
— Dr. Sinclair Ferguson

Available in Paperback and Kindle versions