"Do Not Forsake the Work of Your Hands" -- Psalm 138

The Psalmist David closes Psalm 138 with a remarkable plea that we echo as believers in this age: 

"Do not forsake the work of your hands."

Dean John. W. Burgon, an Anglican preacher from the 19th century, composed a beautiful reflection on David's plea in which he wrote: 

“His creating hands formed our souls at the beginning;
His nail-pierced hands redeemed them on Calvary;
His glorified hands will hold our souls fast and not let them go forever.

Unto His hands let us commend our spirits, sure that even though the work of our hands have made void the works of His hands,
Yet His hands will again perfect all that our hands have unmade.”

Augustine, the great 4th century church father, also wrote similarly in his Confessions: 

“Behold in me thy work, not mine;

for mine, if thou seest, thou condemnest;

Thine, if thou seest, thou crownest.

For whatever good works there be of mine, from Thee are they to me;

and so they are more Thine than mine.”

As you reflect on this, our prayer that the Lord will build you up in Christ Jesus and assure you with the confidence of the Apostle Paul: 

I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)