John Newton: 3 Things Our Enemy Cannot Do

John Newton is well-known as the author of the hymn Amazing Grace. His work as a preacher is less well-known and yet as you'll see, there's an incredible richness in his meditation on Romans 8:31.

Whatever men or devils may attempt against us,
there are three things which
- if we are true believers -
they cannot do.

They may be helpful to wean us from the world.
They may add earnestness to our prayers.
They may press us to greater watchfulness
and dependence upon God.
They may afford fair occasions of evidencing our sincerity in the faith,
the goodness of our cause,
and the power of God who is for us.

Such are the benefits that the Lord teaches his people
to derive from their sufferings,
for he will not let them suffer or be oppressed in vain.

But no enemy can deprive us
1) of the love with which God favors us,
2) or the grace which he has given us
3) or the glory which he has prepared for us.

What shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?

(HT: Shane Lems at The Reformed Reader)

John Newton, Sermon #45, “Divine Support and Protection.”