What is the general office of believer?

What is the general office of believer?

It is the calling that we have to serve as a prophet upholding the word of God and confessing the name of Christ, as a priest who is being presented as a living sacrifice of thanks, and as a king who strives with a good conscience against sin and the devil in this life.

One of the things that the church of Jesus Christ through the ages has struggled to understand and teach properly is the value and joy of serving as a steward of God's grace without being involved in a particular calling as a minister, elder, or deacon.

All too often the general office of believer, to serve as a prophet, priest and king of Christ, is downplayed or diminished and to tragic consequences.

The servants who do the master's will are variously given a variety of gifts – and there is no place for the claim that the office of believer is somehow of less significance than the giving of talents for those who have these particular callings in the church.

The great multitude of the Church of Jesus Christ, composed of children, women, and men, are made up of many who have been given 5 talents!

Do you see in your life the evidence of a great gifting from God?

That's your five talents – to be used in service of God, to bring Him glory, and in service of your neighbour, to bring them relief and care!