God's Husbandry of the Natural World Should Amaze Us!

“Consider the ravens,” Jesus told His disciples, “they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!”

With its powerful beak, the raven stabs its prey of mice, fish, insects, and other smaller birds. They also work together with other ravens to take down larger prey that would be too large for a single bird. These magnificent living creatures are remarkable examples of God’s husbandry of the natural world.

The natural world is full of amazing food chains that are woven together by an artistry that is breathtaking the more that you study it. Intelligent design is not hard to demonstrate when you look for examples in the natural world.

God created the mechanisms that sustain life on the earth and He superintends them in His sovereign providence and power so that the vole is fed from the ground in order to be food for the aforementioned ravens who latterly become food for the beetles and other recyclers that clean up dead carcasses in the forests of North America.

Just as God provided a habitation fit for all the living creatures, He has provided sources of food in abundance that are a suitable for their daily sustenance and flourishing. The food which sustains each creature is well-suited to its digestive systems. The stunningly unique attributes God has given to living creatures all around us demonstrate how wondrously God has equipped them for their respective functions and role in the theatre of natural life (ex. anteater snouts, giraffe necks, and hawk eyes).

Surely we must worship Him!